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Local Agriculture Events
- Sun, Feb 16BoulderJoin us for a discussion on accessing farm land in Boulder County with local farmer Wyatt Barnes of Red Wagon Farm
- Sun, Mar 09LongmontJoin us for a Sunday afternoon roundtable where we'll first get a broad overview of the big wide world of biologicals, then we'll break into small groups.
- Thu, Jan 30Nyland Common HouseThe topic for this discussion will center around Relay Cropping and Farm Planning.
- Sat, Dec 14WestminsterJoin our community for an evening of grooving, skating, and community building!
- Thu, Nov 14Growing GardensGather at Growing Gardens for our 3rd annual Farmer Forum! We'll have discussions in community with other farmers, ranchers, workers, and ag professionals to reflect on this season's successes and challenges.
- Sat, Oct 19Benevolence Orchard & GardensJoin us for our annual Hoe Down celebration! Hosted by Benevolence Orchard and Gardens, enjoy friends, dancing, a local food truck, and drinks from 5-10pm. Pay what you can pricing. A ticket price of $35 is suggested. Donate more, or pay less if that's what is best for you!
- Sat, Oct 19Benevolence Orchard & GardensGrow the biggest vegetable you can and bring it along to the Hoedown in October!
- Sun, Oct 06Location will be sent after signing upGain confidence in performing a safety check, coupling, driving and decoupling a trailer
- Sun, Sep 15LongmontLast one for the season! Hope you can make it out. Bring a friend or two!
- Tue, Sep 10LongmontJoin us at Aspen Moon Farm for pizza, a farm tour, and Q&A with owners Jason & Erin.
- Sat, Aug 10LongmontPhew! It's August doggonit! Take a chance to eat some food and catch up with our community at a beautiful flower farm.
- Thu, Jul 25Esoterra Culinary FarmLooking to extend your growing season and diversify your yield? Learn from Mark DeRespinis from Esoterra Culinary Farm as he shares his experience on how he extends his season through implementing hoop houses, appropriate crop rotations, and more!
- Sun, Jul 21BoulderDon't let July pass you bye! Come say hi to a farmer or 5!
- Fri, Jun 28LongmontBring along some food to pass if you can, otherwise just come bye empty handed and we will do our best to feed some hungry farmers!
- Sun, May 26LafayetteCome get your hands dirty and help out an awesome farm!
See our Google Calendar below for more meetings, events, and info.
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