
The Committee
The Policy Committee aims to become a resource for local farmers on a local, state and national level in order to address the immediate needs of beginning farmers and to ensure the future resilience of our farming community. The committee aims to make policy more transparent and navigable to members.
The Policy Committee's role is to unify the voices in Boulder under a platform by creating a protocol and facilitating opportunities for education and engagement regarding Policy.
As a result of the policy committee's work, our chapter has:
Developed growing relationships with the City of Boulder's Open Space and Mountain Parks and with Boulder County's Parks and Open Space
Established a warm relationship with Congressman Joe Neguse.
Hosted two farm tours with Congressman Neguse and with Congressman Kelly Amrstrong (ND).
Helped to inspire the Study on Improving Our Lands (SOIL) Act.
Formed a partnership with CU Law's law clinic
Developed a policy handbook for Boulder County
Created a public policy platform
Want to learn more or join the committee?
Coming soon!